Eric N. Swanson

Mr. Swanson has more than 40 years of experience primarily in the field of meat and poultry slaughter and processing.
He spent more than 36 years with Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS).
Mr. Swanson started his career as a poultry slaughter inspector in Livingston, California. Followed by red meat slaughter inspector in Gehring, Nebraska.
He continued his career as a combination slaughter processing Inspector in Charge (IIC) in West Valley, New York.
Mr. Swanson then completed additional class work at Mississippi State University and Kansas State University and received his Food Technologist Certification. He then accepted a position as an in-plant Food Technologist in Houston, Texas.
Mr. Swanson accepted a position as Processing Inspection Coordinator (PIC) in the Chicago Area/District Office.
He accepted a temporary position to help start up the Minneapolis District Office.
Mr. Swanson then accepted a Frontline Supervisor position for a large complex processing circuit in Chicago District (Elk Grove Village). He then received a promotion to a large diverse slaughter circuit in Dekalb, Illinois.
Mr. Swanson then accepted a position as a Regional Public Health Trainer in Boulder/ Lakewood Colorado. Including development of thermal processing and import training programs for FSIS.
Since retirement Mr. Swanson has worked as a technical expert concerning appellate process for FSIS, Expert Witness and inauguration/reinstatement of meat and poultry establishments under FSIS jurisdiction.
Mr. Swanson is a graduate of California State University, Chico with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture.
He also received his Food Technologist Certification from FSIS.
He completed numerous technical, supervisory and managerial courses from FSIS and other organizations. Eric can be reached at