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Implementing SQF Systems


The SQF Program (Safe, Quality Food) is one of the world’s leading globally accepted food safety and quality management systems. SQF provides independent certification that a food safety and quality system complies with international and domestic food safety regulations.



In collaboration with GenEdge, this two-day online course on Developing and Implementing HACCP Plans is designed to equip food industry professionals with the knowledge and practical tools needed to ensure food safety compliance. GenEdge’s commitment to industry growth and excellence aligns with our mission to provide high-quality training that empowers businesses to confidently develop and […]

Implementing SQF Systems


The SQF Program (Safe, Quality Food) is one of the world’s leading globally accepted food safety and quality management systems. SQF provides independent certification that a food safety and quality system complies with international and domestic food safety regulations.

Basic HACCP for FSIS Establishments


This HACCP Course focuses specifically on assisting personnel working in or with FSIS Regulated Establishments. We focus on those handling or producing meat, poultry, egg products, egg substitutes and catfish. Attendance in this course will help ensure a solid understanding of HACCP as well as the related FSIS regulatory requirements under 9CFR Part 416 and […]


Preventive Controls for Human Food, Version 2.0


This 2.5-day course, developed by the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance, uses the ONLY curriculum recognized by the FDA as one way to meet requirements. The course will be taught by a Lead Instructor for the FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food Course, and includes increased emphasis on the connection between HACCP and Preventive Controls. It […]

Desarrollo e Implementación de Planes HACCP (ESPAÑOL)


Curso introductorio que brinda capacitación en el desarrollo de un programa HACCP para todos tipos de instalaciones de procesamiento, excepto mariscos y jugos. El curso sigue las normas internacionales CODEX y NACMCF, está acreditado por la Alianza Internacional HACCP y cumple con los requisitos básicos de HACCP de los programas de la Iniciativa Global de […]